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''This Wiki is designed to be used as a collaborative, shared resources page for all the Americas RCEs. Resources added to this page should be general SDG, ESD, and other RCE-related topics that are not region-specific. Resources specific to one RCE or region should be added to that RCE's website. A link to all the RCEs is included in the Global RCE Network section.''
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This page is maintained by RCE Greater Atlanta. Feel free to email us directly at [mailto:RCEGreaterAtlanta@gmail.com RCEGreaterAtlanta@gmail.com] with any questions.
== UN SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) ==
* [https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/sdgs Sustainable Development Goals Knowledge Platform]
** United Nations’ introduction to the SDGs and The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
* [https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/sdg4 SDG 4: Quality Education]
** This SDG is the primary focus of all RCEs, especially Target 4.7: “By 2030, ensure that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development, including, among others, through education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship and appreciation of cultural diversity and of culture’s contribution to sustainable development.”
* [https://en.unesco.org/themes/education-sustainable-development Learning to live together sustainably (SDG4.7): Trends and Progress]
** UNESCO contributes to the measuring of progress towards Target 4.7 of Sustainable Development Goal 4 on Education which focuses on [https://en.unesco.org/themes/gced Global Citizenship Education] (GCED) and [https://en.unesco.org/themes/education-sustainable-development Education for Sustainable Development] (ESD). This webpage publishes regular reports, news, analyses and publications produced by UNESCO and its partners which provide evidence and links to data sets that indicate how the world is progressing towards the achievement of this target. 
* [http://www.sdgsdashboard.org/ SDG Dashbaord]
** Sustainable Development Goals Interactive Dashboard is a data-driven initiative that supports tracking and monitoring of the United Nations’ global goals. The dashboard uses data from the UN Statistics Division's (UNSD) SDG Global Database to allow users to explore and visualize data to analyze progress. The SDGs Dashboard enables users to perform easy analysis via innovative visualizations and tools for exploring data from global data sources. The interactive platform includes the capability to link national statistical office (NSO) data and government databases with the SDGs Dashboard.
* [https://www.unsdsn.org/sdg-academy SDSN SDG Academy]
** The SDG Academy is an educational initiative of the Sustainable Development Solutions Network. The Academy provides free online resources and courses with educational content on health, education, climate change, agriculture and food systems, and sustainable investment.
* [https://youtu.be/0XTBYMfZyrM The 17 SDGs]
** The United Nations' video depicting all 17 SDGs.
* [https://youtu.be/o08ykAqLOxk Making the World a Better Place by 2030]
** Social progress expert Michael Green hosts a Ted Talk to help us imagine how the SDGs and their vision for a better world can be achieved by 2030.
* [https://www.gatesfoundation.org/goalkeepers/ Goalkeepers: A Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation]
** Bringing together a new generation of leaders to accelerate progress toward the Global Goals
*[https://www.unitar.org/event/full-catalog/youth-sustainable-development-goals Youth & the Sustainable Development Goals Course]
**UNITAR and CIFAL Atlanta in collaboration with the Georgia Institute of Technology’s Serve Learn and Sustain Center, and the Regional Centre of Expertise on Education for Sustainable Development (RCE) Greater Atlanta are pleased to offer this e-Learning course to educate young individuals in identifying social, economic, and ecological sustainability needs of RCE member communities, as well as to teach them skills for collaborating with diverse stakeholders to create and implement sustainable development action projects.
== Sustainable Development with US Cities and Universities ==
* [https://sdgindex.org/reports/2019-us-cities-sustainable-development-report/ 2019 US Cities Sustainable Development Report]
** The 2019 US Cities Sustainable Development Report is Sustainable Development Solutions Network’s third city-level report ranking 105 US cities on progress towards the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals for 2030 (SDGs).
* [https://www.brookings.edu/blog/up-front/2020/01/30/the-sdg-effect-the-emerging-pittsburgh-platform-to-deliver-the-global-goals-locally/ The ‘SDG Effect’: The emerging Pittsburgh platform to deliver the global goals locally]
** Brookings' story on Pittsburgh's movement to commit to the SDGs and lessons for other cities interested in adopting plans to meet the SDGs.
* [https://podcasts.google.com/?feed=aHR0cHM6Ly9oZWluei1yYWRpby5jb20vY2F0ZWdvcnkvZmFjdWx0eS9mZWVkLw&episode=aHR0cDovLzg4MzRiN2I4LWY4MzMtNGUwMS05MjBkLTRhN2Q0MWYwMDJkMw&hl=en&ved=2ahUKEwjo_-66v67nAhUBmnIEHVXKD6QQieUEegQIARAE&ep=6 Tackling the Sustainable Development Goals one bite at a time (Podcast)]
** Podcast detailing the work of Carnegie Mellon University on the SDGs
*[https://dga.kennesaw.edu/cifal/index.php CIFAL Atlanta]
**CIFAL Atlanta was founded in 2004 by the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) to strengthen the capacities of government authorities, private sector, and civil society stakeholders. CIFAL Atlanta provides executive training throughout the world and acts as a hub for information, communication and knowledge exchange between government authorities, non-government organizations, international organizations, the private sector, civil society, and academic institutions. Its programs provide access to knowledge, experience, resources, and best practices in the areas of social and economic development and environmental sustainability. In doing so, it aims to foster multi-stakeholder collaboration in support of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
== Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) ==
* [https://en.unesco.org/themes/education-sustainable-development Education for Sustainable Development]
** UNESCO’s introduction to ESD including links to ESD resources. There is growing international recognition of ESD as an integral element of quality education and a key enabler for sustainable development. [https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/focussdgs.html The Sustainable Development Goals] (SDGs) adopted by the global community for the next 15 years include ESD. [https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/sdg4 Target 4.7] of SDG 4 on education addresses ESD and related approaches such as [https://en.unesco.org/themes/gced Global Citizenship Education]. UNESCO is responsible for the coordination of the [https://en.unesco.org/globalactionprogrammeoneducation Global Action Programme] (GAP) on ESD.
* [https://en.unesco.org/globalactionprogrammeoneducation Global Action Programme on Education for Sustainable Development]
** The Global Action Programme (GAP) on ESD, the follow- up programme to the Decade of ESD (2005-2014), seeks to generate and scale-up ESD and to accelerate progress towards sustainable development. This website outlines the main [https://en.unesco.org/gap/goals objectives] of the GAP and its implementation strategies including information on [https://en.unesco.org/gap/priority-action-areas priority action areas], [https://en.unesco.org/gap/partner-networks GAP partner networks] and the GAP [https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000230514 Roadmap], as well as news and [https://en.unesco.org/themes/education-sustainable-development/resources resources] from UNESCO and its GAP key partners.
* [https://www.sdg4education2030.org/education-sustainable-development-goals-learning-objectives-unesco-2017 Education 2030 Learning Objectives]
** For The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development <br> [In the new 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development]...Education is explicitly formulated as a stand-alone goal – Sustainable Development Goal 4. Numerous education related targets and indicators are also contained within other Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Education is both a goal in itself and a means for attaining all the other SDGs. It is not only an integral part of sustainable development, but also a key enabler for it. That is why education represents an essential strategy in the pursuit of the SDGs. This publication is designed as a guide for education professionals on the use of ESD in learning for the SDGs, and consequently to contribute to achieving the SDGs. The guide identifies indicative learning objectives and suggests topics and learning activities for each SDG. It also presents implementation methods at different levels, from course design to national strategies.
* [https://collections.unu.edu/eserv/UNU:6601/Academia_and_Communities_FINAL.pdf Academia and Communities: Engaging for Change]
** This publication includes a great introduction to ESD as well as case studies of university-community partnerships from RCEs around the world.
* [https://hub.aashe.org/browse/video/22896/ESD-for-2030-The-Future-Depends-on-Us AASHE Webinar Recording - 'ESD for 2030: The Future Depends on Us!']
** Kim Smith, Portland Community College Sociology Instructor and co-founder of RCE Greater Portland, [https://gpsen.org/event/esd-for-2030-the-future-depends-on-us/ offered a webinar] on the framework and upcoming launch of the decade, for the Association of the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) on the 22nd of January in 2020. The webinar highlighted sustainability projects around the world, UNESCO's ESD vision, and how we can all help create a sustainable future.
* [https://youtu.be/Qx0AVjtdq_Q World's Largest Lesson]
** The World's Largest Lesson is hosted by The Global Goals to introduce the SDGs to children and young people everywhere and unite them in action. The goal is to use the 17 SDGs to fight extreme poverty, fight inequality and justice, and tackle climate change by 2030.
*[https://dga.kennesaw.edu/cifal/programs/pastprograms/2020/humanrightsteacherseminars.php  Teacher’s Seminar]
**CIFAL Atlanta Hosts Sustainability and Human Rights Virtual Seminar for K-12 teacher participants across the State of Georgia. Participants learned about the United Nations Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development, explored the attributes of global citizenship and human rights, and developed ideas for how to utilize these attributes in their classroom.
== Global RCE Network ==
* [https://www.rcenetwork.org/portal/ Global RCE Network]
**  One of the initial goals for the ESD project was creating a global multi-stakeholder network of Regional Centres of Expertise on ESD (RCEs). These RCEs leverage the Global Action Programme (GAP) on ESD and the SDGs to enact change in their local communities.
* [https://www.rcenetwork.org/portal/resources-publications-and-others All Global RCE publications]
* [https://collections.unu.edu/eserv/UNU:6601/Academia_and_Communities_FINAL.pdf Academia and Communities: Engaging for Change]
** This publication includes a great introduction to ESD as well as case studies of university-community partnerships from RCEs around the world.
* [https://www.rcenetwork.org/portal/rces-worldwide RCE Americas]
** Learn more about each of the RCE Americas networks on their own websites, many of which include additional resources.
*[https://unitar.org/about/offices-training-centres-around-world/cifal-global-network CIFAL Global Network]
== Networks for Social Change ==
* [https://nonprofitquarterly.org/a-network-way-of-working-a-compilation-of-considerations-about-effectiveness-in-networks/ A Network Way of Working: A Compilation of Considerations about Effectiveness in Networks]
** Short blog post about what a network is and how it differs from other types of organizational and even collaborative structures

Revision as of 01:37, 21 August 2020


This Wiki is designed to be used as a collaborative, shared resources page for all the Americas RCEs. Resources added to this page should be general SDG, ESD, and other RCE-related topics that are not region-specific. Resources specific to one RCE or region should be added to that RCE's website. A link to all the RCEs is included in the Global RCE Network section.

Instructions on How to Edit/Add to the Wiki:
Click on the 'Edit' tab at the top of the page or at the top of each section. To add regular text, just add it and then click on "Save changes" at the bottom of the page. Use the following symbols to add additional section headers, hyperlinks, or bullets:

  • == (insert header title) ==
    • This adds a header to the table of contents. To add a sub-header, add an extra equals sign = at the beginning and end
  • [insert hyperlink URL Hyperlink Text]
    • This adds a hyperlink to the URL that is inside of the brackets. Insert the hyperlink URL first inside of the bracket. Then, insert a space followed by the text to be hyperlinked.
    • Note: An email hyperlink must have mailto: before the email address.
  • * (bullet text)
    • An asterisk adds a bullet point. To add a sub-bullet point, add an extra asterisk *

For more help on formatting a Wiki, visit MediaWiki Formatting Help.

This page is maintained by RCE Greater Atlanta. Feel free to email us directly at RCEGreaterAtlanta@gmail.com with any questions.

UN SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals)

  • Sustainable Development Goals Knowledge Platform
    • United Nations’ introduction to the SDGs and The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
  • SDG 4: Quality Education
    • This SDG is the primary focus of all RCEs, especially Target 4.7: “By 2030, ensure that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development, including, among others, through education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship and appreciation of cultural diversity and of culture’s contribution to sustainable development.”
  • Learning to live together sustainably (SDG4.7): Trends and Progress
    • UNESCO contributes to the measuring of progress towards Target 4.7 of Sustainable Development Goal 4 on Education which focuses on Global Citizenship Education (GCED) and Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). This webpage publishes regular reports, news, analyses and publications produced by UNESCO and its partners which provide evidence and links to data sets that indicate how the world is progressing towards the achievement of this target.
  • SDG Dashbaord
    • Sustainable Development Goals Interactive Dashboard is a data-driven initiative that supports tracking and monitoring of the United Nations’ global goals. The dashboard uses data from the UN Statistics Division's (UNSD) SDG Global Database to allow users to explore and visualize data to analyze progress. The SDGs Dashboard enables users to perform easy analysis via innovative visualizations and tools for exploring data from global data sources. The interactive platform includes the capability to link national statistical office (NSO) data and government databases with the SDGs Dashboard.
  • SDSN SDG Academy
    • The SDG Academy is an educational initiative of the Sustainable Development Solutions Network. The Academy provides free online resources and courses with educational content on health, education, climate change, agriculture and food systems, and sustainable investment.
  • The 17 SDGs
    • The United Nations' video depicting all 17 SDGs.
  • Making the World a Better Place by 2030
    • Social progress expert Michael Green hosts a Ted Talk to help us imagine how the SDGs and their vision for a better world can be achieved by 2030.
  • Goalkeepers: A Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
    • Bringing together a new generation of leaders to accelerate progress toward the Global Goals
  • Youth & the Sustainable Development Goals Course
    • UNITAR and CIFAL Atlanta in collaboration with the Georgia Institute of Technology’s Serve Learn and Sustain Center, and the Regional Centre of Expertise on Education for Sustainable Development (RCE) Greater Atlanta are pleased to offer this e-Learning course to educate young individuals in identifying social, economic, and ecological sustainability needs of RCE member communities, as well as to teach them skills for collaborating with diverse stakeholders to create and implement sustainable development action projects.

Sustainable Development with US Cities and Universities

  • 2019 US Cities Sustainable Development Report
    • The 2019 US Cities Sustainable Development Report is Sustainable Development Solutions Network’s third city-level report ranking 105 US cities on progress towards the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals for 2030 (SDGs).
  • The ‘SDG Effect’: The emerging Pittsburgh platform to deliver the global goals locally
    • Brookings' story on Pittsburgh's movement to commit to the SDGs and lessons for other cities interested in adopting plans to meet the SDGs.
  • Tackling the Sustainable Development Goals one bite at a time (Podcast)
    • Podcast detailing the work of Carnegie Mellon University on the SDGs
  • CIFAL Atlanta
    • CIFAL Atlanta was founded in 2004 by the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) to strengthen the capacities of government authorities, private sector, and civil society stakeholders. CIFAL Atlanta provides executive training throughout the world and acts as a hub for information, communication and knowledge exchange between government authorities, non-government organizations, international organizations, the private sector, civil society, and academic institutions. Its programs provide access to knowledge, experience, resources, and best practices in the areas of social and economic development and environmental sustainability. In doing so, it aims to foster multi-stakeholder collaboration in support of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)

  • Education for Sustainable Development
    • UNESCO’s introduction to ESD including links to ESD resources. There is growing international recognition of ESD as an integral element of quality education and a key enabler for sustainable development. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the global community for the next 15 years include ESD. Target 4.7 of SDG 4 on education addresses ESD and related approaches such as Global Citizenship Education. UNESCO is responsible for the coordination of the Global Action Programme (GAP) on ESD.
  • Global Action Programme on Education for Sustainable Development
    • The Global Action Programme (GAP) on ESD, the follow- up programme to the Decade of ESD (2005-2014), seeks to generate and scale-up ESD and to accelerate progress towards sustainable development. This website outlines the main objectives of the GAP and its implementation strategies including information on priority action areas, GAP partner networks and the GAP Roadmap, as well as news and resources from UNESCO and its GAP key partners.
  • Education 2030 Learning Objectives
    • For The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
      [In the new 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development]...Education is explicitly formulated as a stand-alone goal – Sustainable Development Goal 4. Numerous education related targets and indicators are also contained within other Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Education is both a goal in itself and a means for attaining all the other SDGs. It is not only an integral part of sustainable development, but also a key enabler for it. That is why education represents an essential strategy in the pursuit of the SDGs. This publication is designed as a guide for education professionals on the use of ESD in learning for the SDGs, and consequently to contribute to achieving the SDGs. The guide identifies indicative learning objectives and suggests topics and learning activities for each SDG. It also presents implementation methods at different levels, from course design to national strategies.
  • Academia and Communities: Engaging for Change
    • This publication includes a great introduction to ESD as well as case studies of university-community partnerships from RCEs around the world.
  • AASHE Webinar Recording - 'ESD for 2030: The Future Depends on Us!'
    • Kim Smith, Portland Community College Sociology Instructor and co-founder of RCE Greater Portland, offered a webinar on the framework and upcoming launch of the decade, for the Association of the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) on the 22nd of January in 2020. The webinar highlighted sustainability projects around the world, UNESCO's ESD vision, and how we can all help create a sustainable future.
  • World's Largest Lesson
    • The World's Largest Lesson is hosted by The Global Goals to introduce the SDGs to children and young people everywhere and unite them in action. The goal is to use the 17 SDGs to fight extreme poverty, fight inequality and justice, and tackle climate change by 2030.
  • Teacher’s Seminar
    • CIFAL Atlanta Hosts Sustainability and Human Rights Virtual Seminar for K-12 teacher participants across the State of Georgia. Participants learned about the United Nations Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development, explored the attributes of global citizenship and human rights, and developed ideas for how to utilize these attributes in their classroom.

Global RCE Network

  • Global RCE Network
    • One of the initial goals for the ESD project was creating a global multi-stakeholder network of Regional Centres of Expertise on ESD (RCEs). These RCEs leverage the Global Action Programme (GAP) on ESD and the SDGs to enact change in their local communities.
  • All Global RCE publications
  • Academia and Communities: Engaging for Change
    • This publication includes a great introduction to ESD as well as case studies of university-community partnerships from RCEs around the world.
  • RCE Americas
    • Learn more about each of the RCE Americas networks on their own websites, many of which include additional resources.
  • CIFAL Global Network

Networks for Social Change